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If you score anywhere near that cialis tadalafil viagra on the actual test, you have no chance at all. Zero. I like to be fairly optimistic, but at the same time realistic. If I were you, there's no way I'd be taking the test on the tenth. Taking it more than once doesn't look too great, so you want your best foot forward the first time. 18-20 is not a good foot to have forward. Reschedule and do your studying some justice. A lot of people study for months before taking it. You need to be around 28 or higher.
If you score anywhere near that cialis tadalafil viagra on the actual test, you have no chance at all. Zero. I like to be fairly optimistic, but at the same time realistic. If I were you, there's no way I'd be taking the test on the tenth. Taking it more than once doesn't look too great, so you want your best foot forward the first time. 18-20 is not a good foot to have forward. Reschedule and do your studying some justice. A lot of people study for months before taking it. You need to be around 28 or higher.

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